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10 Years

5 Pounds

Heath is a sweet senior looking for the perfect family to spoil him rotten!  His favorite past time is stealing socks, begging for blueberries, and taking long naps cuddled up next to his foster mom.  He is friendly, sweet, and great with other dogs and older children.  Heath has a grade 3-4 luxating patella, and he is not a good candidate for surgery.  While he is able to get around the home fine, Heath prefers being held and taken on long walks (in a stroller) with his foster siblings.  He will tolerate gentle brushing/grooming and baths to keep him clean.

Based on his medical exams, he may develop kidney disease in the future and become incontinent.  His foster currently uses a belly band to help control bladder issues.

Heath is looking for a loving family to spend the rest of his life with.

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